Stocks Tech

Apple better without Steve Jobs

Apple has shown an almost uncanny development even without Steve Jobs. Photo: Stockphoto

On August 24th, it was ten years since Apple’s iconic founder and CEO Steve Jobs handed over the CEO position to Apple’s then chief operating officer Tim Cook.

Steve Jobs left but the phrase ”Apple’s brightest and most innovative days are ahead”. After Apple’s incomparable journey, from almost bankruptcy in the late 1990s to the world’s largest company, the statement was received with somewhat mixed comments.

When Steve Jobs died a few months later in the suites of cancer, the accidental crusts began to crash. There was only one Steve Jobs, and he was irreplaceable.

The profit has quadrupled
But the pessimists were wrong. Just over a decade later, it can be stated that Apple has survived. And more than that. The last 10 years have been a formidable success for the tech giant.

The summary below from the analysis company Morningstar are figures that are more than impressive. Sales have more than tripled and profits have quadrupled under Tim Cook’s management.

Five times better than the index
And the stock market has shown its appreciation with an unlikely price increase. Since 2011, the share price has more than tenfolded. That is almost five times better return than the index. The market capitalization is now up to approximately USD 2,500 billion.

One who is not surprised by the development is the leadership guru Jim Collins, author of the bestsellers ”Good to Great” and ”Built to Last”.

In The Investor Podcast Network We Study Billionaires – The Investor’s Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts, he posts the text on why Apple has become so successful and why Steve Jobs is not missing.

Innovations at the core
Collins believes that Steve Jobs’ most important contribution to Apple was not to invent an iphone or an ipod but to create an organization for success and innovation. That was Job’s goal.

Then came the above innovations. And this culture at Apple lives on, according to Collins, and will continue to do so even after Tim Cook leaves.

Stocks Tech

Billionaire battle: Elon Musk vs. Jeff Bezos continues

This isn’t the first time the Tesla CEO has squared off against the Amazon founder. Photo: Agencies

Tesla and Space X CEO Elon Musk is now verbally attacking Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, it’s a really sour salvo that Musk fires.

The satellite quarrel is becoming increasingly infected between the two dollar billionaires Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos and where Musk now gives Bezos a juicy blow under the belt in the battle for space.

”Filing lawsuits against Space X is actually his (Bezos’) full-time job,” Musk wrote on Twitter, saying Bezos is ”exceptionally” inclined to engage in litigation, CNBC reports.

Bezos claims that Musk violates the regulations
According to Amazon, Space X violates the rules and Amazon has therefore submitted a letter to the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) in which the company considers that the application that Space X has submitted regarding the satellite system Starlink should be rejected.

Space X, for its part, claims that Amazon is trying to delay the whole thing for competitive reasons as Amazon is in the process of launching over 3,000 satellites that will ensure a faster internet.

Rival Space X, led by Elon Musk, is thus doing the same thing, connecting an internet network with thousands of satellites that will deliver high-speed internet to users wherever they are on earth.

Starlink’s version of the record – breaking internet is still just a beta version, but the company is still said to have attracted over 100,000 users in 14 countries.

More than 30,000 satellites are in the pipe
Potential customers have placed over half a million orders for the high-speed network service from Space X, which has so far launched 1,740 satellites within the Gen2 system and the next step is planned for a total of almost 30,000 satellites.

Amazon satellite internet system goes by the name Project Kuiper. The idea is to launch 3,236 Internet satellites into a low orbit around the Earth, and the system competes directly with Space X Starlink.

Read more at CNBC.

Crypto Stocks

Best crypto stocks to play the blockchain bull market

2. Canaan, Nasdaq

Canaan is a ”Selling picks and shovels during a gold rush”-play on the cryptocurrency craze. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency mining takes serious computing power in order to solve the complex mathematical puzzles that blockchain blocks are built from. China-based/Nasdaq-listed Canaan offer the mining rigs users need. A constantly increasing need for computing power to mine coins has fueled Canaan’s growth for the last couple of years, although 2020 has been tough for the company. It is fair to assume however that Canaan’s fortunes will rise and fall with the bitcoin price also going forward.

Source: Canaan
Crypto Stocks

Best crypto stocks to play the blockchain bull market

Who hasn’t heard the phrase ”Bitcoin is a bubble, the blockchain technology is where the real value is”?

With the bitcoin price close to all time highs, blockchain and cryptocurrencies are some of the hottest investment themes of 2021. So, for those who do not want to go through the hassle of getting a crypto wallet or invest in bitcoin futures or ETF, StocksGorilla (true to its name) here presents a list of stocks that offer a way to play the blockchain theme.

1. Tanla Platforms, India

Tanla is an indian cloud communications service provider disrupting traditional communication technologies using AI, Machine Learning and blockchain technology. This has not gone unnoticed by the stock market, as the stock in now up 1900% in the past year. Some of Tanla’s blockchain solutions include Trubloq (a blockchain-based platform for commercial communications) and Wisely (a blockchain-enabled Communication Platform as a Service in collaboration with Microsoft). 

Source: Tanla Platforms

Funniest ETF names


The GURU ETF tracks a dynamic benchmark based on top holdings of hedge fund managers. As such, GURU attempts to mimic the positions and strategies implemented by professional money-managers, many of whom have a proven track record of consistently generating alpha. The underlying index is constructed by analyzing the regulatory filings that institutional investors with $100 million or more in assets under management are required to file with the SEC.

”I will pick your stocks for you.”

Funniest ETF names


While it was an amusing name, the idea to be leveraged 300% short healthcare stock was not the best idea, which is why that SICK ETF is now discontinued. Its benign twin, an ETF that leveraged 300% long healthcare sector stock is however still in operation with a name almost as funny, the CURE ETF.


Funniest ETF names


Consisting of a portfolio of companies providing cyber security solutions that include hardware, software and services, the HACK ETF offers the first ETF to target the cyber security industry.

Photo Credit: ETFMG

Funniest ETF names


In the process of launching, Tuttle Tactical Managment’s new ETF will focus on exactly what the name suggests, Fear-of-missing-out. “You have SPACs, you have Cathie Woods stuff, GameStop stuff. If you are an average investor, you can try doing it yourself and look at many different products, but there is nothing that pulls it all together. We are going to be in social media, hedge funds, SPACs, ETFs, and stocks”, says Matthew Tuttle, CEO of Tuttle Tactical Management, the man who runs the actively managed fund behind the FOMO ETF.

Matthew Tuttle of Tuttle Tactical Management virtually rings the NYSE Opening Bell.
Photo Credit: NYSE
Stocks Tech

10 European tech stocks with +100% revenue growth

10. Central Nic (CNIC.L)

CentralNic is another tech company whose revenue growth rate in 2020 of 124% was boosted by acquisitions. But with an 18% organic growth and a solid operational profit, this is still an impressive growth case. Being an oldtimer in the domain and web services industry, CentralNic has annually doubled in size five out of the past six years through a combination of organic growth, winning new clients, and by acquisitions.

Photo credit: CentralNic
Stocks Tech

10 European tech stocks with +100% revenue growth

9. Just Eat Takeaway (TKWY.AS)

While Amsterdam-listed Just Eat Takeaway.com reported a growth rate on an IFRS-basis of 391% in 2020, a number of course inflated by the merger between Just Eat and Takeaway.com, the organic growth of 54% is still impressive. As an online food delivery platform, Just Eat Takeaway.com facilitates the online ordering, payment and occasionally, fulfilment of orders. The company utilises a hybrid model which builds on its marketplace heritage (where restaurants do their own delivery) with logistics capability (for select restaurants without their own delivery capabilities).

Just Eat Takeaway, tech stocks
Photo credit: Just Eat Takeaway.com